Tuesday, October 2, 2018

The Good...the Bad...the Ugly. Farm Funnies!

So I'm going to fast forward to where we are now in our lives after the fire. I do want to make one thing clear...how we got here was not easy. The first couple months after the fire when my mom was still here helping out, things were okay. But when she left to go back to California, James and I fell apart a little. There were SOOO many nights of fights, tears, angry words, threats to leave (by me). We were a mess. Or at least I thought we were. I felt we were. We were definitely growing apart in some ways. When I would read posts from readers/friends who said things like, "I love how positive you are being," or "You and James are handling this great," I would feel like a fraud...mainly because a lot of times we WEREN'T handling it great.

But we got through it. LOL. Thank God for Gentleman Jack! HEHE

SOOOO...we finally found a place to live! It's a country home on five acres. This is what I call a "James home" kind of place. I loved my town living in my 120-year-old Victorian. James really didn't like it. This place is allll him! LOL. The "barn" is bigger than our house!!! And I'm not EVEN joking! But there's land for James to grow things (which he's always wanted to do), and there's a small pond that has fish in it (which James loves to fly fish). So this will be a great place to stay for a few years.

FARM LIVING!! OMG!! LOL. Let me first just say WHAT IS UP WITH ALL THESE BUGS!!! Now James and Maddy have been way better about this new lifestyle. They're all acting cool with these bugs and spiders, giving me information, "That's an assassin bug. It's good for gardens. But be careful, they will hurt if they get you." Um...we don't have a damn garden! Why do I have to befriend this thing!??!!

So, the other day James is mowing, and y'all know that spiders are considered friends in this family...Maddy has a pet tarantula. That's why telling this story will bring me such joy!! Anyway, James is mowing the lawn and suddenly there is a "man scream" heard miles around. This is James's version: It seems when James got off the lawn mower to move something, a HUGE HAIRLESS spider the size of his head came FLYING out of nowhere and attacked him!!! LOL. When he told the story I couldn't help laugh. I'm like, "Maddy has a tarantula. Since when have you been scared of spiders?" He's like, "Jenna, it was HAIRLESS!!!" LOL. Oh, okay.

Fast forward to today. I'm driving Maddy back home from school and I stop to get the mail. NOTE TO SELF: NEVER JUST GRAB MAIL AND GO!! So I pull out the mail and fling it in the car, and a HUGE spider slides down my Food & Wine magazine. I'm FREAKING OUT! Screaming and instinctively flinging it away...RIGHT ONTO MADDY!! LOL. She's SCREAMING at me, SCREAMING in general, trying to get out of the car, but she's still seatbelted in. The spider has dropped in between the seats, we are still screaming, Maddy has now jumped out of the car...and there's James, standing there shaking his head while Maddy is running from the car and tattling on me that I THREW a spider on her! LOL.

But turn about is fair play. She may have tattled on me...but I got the last laugh. When I went to pick her up from play practice tonight I said, "Hey Maddy, just so you know...I never found the spider!" HEHEHEHEHE......

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Experiencing a Flash Fire

After fire!
Day I moved in. Not a full view of library. 
In the early morning hours of February 25--3:04 to be exact--my life as I knew it was forever changed. As most of you know, I have a pretty strict writing schedule that I keep. I work for my school district during the day, and then when I come home I make/order dinner, take my shower, and then go upstairs to write--okay, really I'll look at Facebook first--but then I'll write for a little while. I try to be in bed around 8:30. Then I wake up around 2:00 and write until time for school. On the weekends, it's a free for all. I still try and keep my middle-of-the night hours so my body is used to being up and writing, I just have more time during the day to write. James has always been very cool about me being upstairs in my writing room while he stays downstairs and gives me space.

On that Saturday evening, February 24, I had JUST finished final edits of book 2 in my Sullivan Sisters series. It was later than I had planned--around nine or nine-thirty I believe. I sent James a text at 9:36 telling him I'd finished my edits (he was downstairs) but that I still needed to go on Facebook and see what was going on with the world (haha). By the time I finished scrolling Facebook, it was around eleven. I wrestled with whether or not to pull up book 3 in the Sullivan Sisters series (I am 30,000 words in) and start writing, or just sleep for a few hours and start fresh in the morning. Since it was so late and I had been writing all day--except for the hour I came downstairs to cook baked chicken and eat with James and Maddy--I opted for a little sleep. I like to listen to already-heard audiobooks on low while I sleep, so I pulled up a Jana DeLeon book, and settled in for the night.

This next part is how I remember it....

At three o'clock I sit bolt upright in bed because I heard James SCREAM my name in his "get-your-butt-down-the-stairs-NOW" Marine voice. I threw back the covers and stood up...and IMMEDIATELY smelled the smoke. Only it wasn't like a bonfire smoke, it smelled more like to me when you leave pans in the oven or maybe there's still residual from the chemicals when you clean the oven. It just smelled harsh. I ran down the stairs and he yelled for me to call 911, the furnace in the basement was on fire. Now, I make it sound like James is being harsh (I've always said he's good under pressure) because the next part gets crazy. So I ran as fast as I can back UP the stairs because I left my phone up there. Not very smart, but I was panicked. I grab my phone and start to hit 911...only I get to the 9 and I'm at the top of the stairs and I start to REALLY listen to James. As he's yelling for Maddy (my step-daughter who has a bedroom on the other side of the house), his voice has changed. He's more panicked. He's now shouting, "Oh my God, Oh my God!" And at that moment at the top of the stairs, listening to his voice, I thought he was yelling that because something had happened to Maddy. Like he couldn't rouse her because of smoke or something. I instantly dropped...my knees buckled and I slid down the stairs. The whole time I'm sliding I'm thinking, "What are we going to do if something has happened to Maddy? James will die!" I stand up when I near the bottom of the first landing (I'd regained my footing) and I turn to go down the last set of steps. I take a deep breath and the pain from that breath was excruciating! It hurt my whole body. I'm vaguely aware of the fire alarm in my left ear, and I'm vaguely aware of Maddy standing by the front door. Luckily the stairs off the library are only like eight feet or so from the front door. We all run outside, James carrying Brownie our dog, and I'm finally dialing 911. That was at 3:04.

Now, this next part is honestly a blur, because it's how I THINK it happened, but I've spoken with my neighbor and even she's not sure exactly what SHE did, and James has a little bit different idea of what happened...

I remember hearing James yelling from inside the house he didn't know where the fire extinguisher was. I remember SCREAMING my neighbor's name (she's honestly usually awake at odd times, too) and I ran to her house yelling for a fire extinguisher. James couldn't find the one we usually kept under the sink. I thought she handed me one...she thinks she carried two over...I honestly have no idea! I was almost positive I cradled a fire extinguisher in my arms. But I don't know how that fits in the timeline of the fire department arriving in that three minute span (they arrived at 3:07 according to the fire chief) because the next thing I remember, the firemen are at my house. I remember seeing James running around the back of the house and yelling. He later told me that he was trying to get the firemen down to the basement--you have to go outside to get to our basement because it's like a half basement with a crawlspace. The neighbor on the other side of me later confessed to hearing me screaming because she, too, had been up—we’re obviously a neighborhood of insomniacs. She said she felt so helpless listening to me screaming, but she has two kids under the age of three and her husband is deployed. There was nothing she could do but watch from the window.

I remember calling my mom on my cell phone and crying because I was standing on my lawn, looking inside my big 120-year-old picture window with original beveled glass at the top, and even though it's pitch black outside, I'm aware of flames coming out of the floor eating my library. James believes that was just my mind playing tricks on me because he’s pretty sure by that time the “flash” fire had already occurred and the windows had all been broken out and the flames were residuals from the register which is how the fire traveled. Next thing I'm really aware of, I see Mr. Harrison (he teaches kindergarten and is a volunteer fireman) coming toward me asking me if I was okay.

And then came the crazy part…lol. Now, you might think I’m a bit naïve especially since I write murder mysteries, but this next part is true. So I’m not even aware really of what time it is, I might guess around 9 Sunday morning. The sun is up and the firemen are mostly gone. James’s friend, David, has come down to help James prep the house so nothing can get inside. Dave drives James and me to the police station so we can give a statement to the fire marshal. Naïve Jenna still doesn’t really understand what that means! And I will confess once it was done, I was MAD at James for not preparing me better! James and Dave never said a word to me on the way to the police station about what I should expect.

The fire marshal takes me back first since the house is in my name. We are sitting there and I’m giving him my information, still numb at the fact that the house has burned. He gets to the part about how much I owe on the house and if I’m late on payments. Naïve Jenna is still all clueless going, “Oh, no. I’ve never missed a payment.” Then he asks me about James and if it’s normal for us to be up around that time. And I think that’s the first time the bells start going DING DING DING! He asks me a few more “pointed/fishing” questions. By now I KNOW the look I’m giving him has to be one of pure insanity because he then quickly assures me that the fire did indeed start in the basement furnace. But before that declaration, he’d been fishing for “nefarious” information!!! I was shocked! Yet I shouldn’t be…I write about this stuff every day! LOL. But until you experience it firsthand, BELIEVE me, you aren’t actually PREPARED for it!

That moment changed my demeanor and behavior for the next two days. I came out of that room shocked and even more upset. The fire marshal took James back and I sat there in the police station and confessed to Dave what the fire marshal had ask me. Dave assured me that was normal procedure. It was part of his job and he had to ask me those things. I thought the fire marshal's job SUCKED if that's the questions he has to ask people immediately after a tragedy. James comes out a few minutes later and I tell him about it in the truck. James assures me it’s normal. He says, “Jenna, a lot of people are BEEEEEPS. It’s because of those people that the fire marshal has to ask you those questions. It doesn’t mean anything as far as you are concerned. It doesn't mean he thinks you are automatically a bad person.” But he was wrong. Those questions totally broke my heart!

 I’m not mentally prepared for that kind of overload. I'm evidently the only person appalled and hurt at the line of questioning. Looking back, I now know what I did was more of a transference of my emotions from one thing to another, but I couldn’t eat or sleep for two days after that whole experience…that someone would think that I would hurt my beloved old house with my family and all our worldly possessions (MY BOOKS) inside. It made me sick. I focused on that heartache for two days…which made it easier for me not to have to deal with the physical death of the house. I took one little thing and made it huge so I could put all my energy there.

But that was two weeks ago. The insurance company sent out two different fire experts to come look at the house because what happened was so unusual. It seems our "fail safe" switch failed to work for us. LOL! Go figure! So we are now moving forward slowly. My mother has flown back to help me do an inventory of the whole house, and we are slowly but surely picking our lives back up off the burned floor. We definitely couldn’t have done it without the help of family, friends, and strangers! People we know, people we don’t know…so many have come forward to help James, Maddy, and me put our lives back together. And that’s been so emotionally overwhelming and appreciated.

***UPDATE SEPT 2018: Okay, so I obviously wrote that in March. I'd say that my viewpoint is still the same. I can't read it without crying. The emotion of that night and the days that followed were so raw.  

Friday, May 5, 2017

Interview with Aunt Shirley!

I love writing this series!

The characters all have their own personalities, yet they blend together so well. I've had numerous people ask me how I came up with the character of Aunt Shirley, and basically I just say, "It's who I hope to be when I get to be that age!" So I asked Aunt Shirley to take a minute out of her busy day to answer a few questions for her audience...

JSJ: What is your favorite movie?
AS: Naturally, I love all the Dirty Harry movies. That Clint Eastwood...Mmmm mmm. You know I had a thing with him back in the '70s right? Back when I was a private investigator. We had a little fling, but I had to end it. He was wanting too much from me. I've always been a free spirit.

JSJ: I see. What's with the hair?
AS: Your hair is your signature, you ninny. It tells people who you are as an individual.

JSJ: What is your hair saying today?
AS: It says I can still kick your butt so watch your tone, missy!

JSJ: My apologies. Let's talk drinks. Why tequila? Of all the choices out there...why is tequila your favorite?
AS: Tequila is what separates you from the rest of the world. Look at that badass Dwayne Johnson. He loves tequila. You gonna ask him why he likes tequila? No, because he'd probably kick your scrawny butt. You know that song, Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off...modeled after me.

JSJ: Really?
AS: Yeah, really. You don't believe me? You think because I'm an old woman I'm crazy or senile?

JSJ: I never said that.
AS: I got a pair of nunchucks here that will make you think differently!

And so ends our time with Aunt Shirley.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Why This New Book Series Means So Much to Me!

So everything publication-wise is now finished and ready to go! The e-book will be available before the print paperback (no surprise there). The feelings of pride and excitement I get from this new series is mind-blowing!! I have dedicated this series, the Sullivan Sisters, to my late grandpa, Frank Mills. The "Gramps" in this series is a lot like my real-life grandfather--loves John Wayne, served in the military, and is outwardly gruff but a softie on the inside.  

The setting is also familiar--Sonoma County, California. It's where I spent many years of my life and where my dad, mom, and sister still live. As I get older and go back for visits, it gets harder and harder to leave them...and harder and harder to leave the lull of the ocean surf and the beauty of the picturesque Sonoma wine country.

 I hope y'all love this new series as much as I love writing it! It's amazing how close I feel to my own Gramps, mom, and sister when I write about the Sullivan Sisters! 

Thanks for strapping in and taking this ride with me as I plug away at my dream of writing. I hope to have Murder on the Vine available on Amazon within the next few days!! I've already started writing the second book in the Sullivan Sisters Series. 

And don't forget to check out my first series, a Ryli Sinclair Mystery, with Picture Perfect Murder and Girls' Night Out Murder.  Book three is in the works!




Monday, April 25, 2016

Girls' Night Out Murder...and MY version of the celebration that followed!


 So this is my version of how it happened...

I mentioned to James that Girls' Night Out Murder should be in paperback around the 23rd or 24th of April. He gets very excited!! See, that's where I should have known IMMEDIATELY something wasn't quite right. Because the truth is, while James indulges my passion and is quite proud of me when my books come out, he's CONSTANTLY on me about spending so much time writing that the housework gets behind. So the fact he was EXCITED should have tipped me off!

Anyway, I digress...so, I tell him my second book is due out soon, and he says, "We should celebrate!" My mind went wild!  My neurons are snapping all over the place, visions of different ideas pop into my brain...it's a kaleidoscope of colors, sounds, smells...euphoria. I settle on our family dynamic reality and figure a day of window shopping (because I HATE spending money), and a nice dinner at Hereford House in Zona Rosa complete with steak and glass (bottle) of Cabernet would totally make me happy. 

 As I was getting ready to formulate my plan, he says innocently, "Hey, why don't I see if the Royals are in town then?" Like the idea suddenly just came to him!!!  How blonde do you think I am?

HHHMMMM...now, don't get me wrong, I LOVE going to the games, but I'm not sure this was ever my first response to WE SHOULD CELEBRATE...I also knew my reaction to this "innocent" suggestion was going to set the tone for the rest of the evening.

 So, that's how we ended up here...at Kauffman Stadium, James, Maddy and myself, all celebrating the release of Girls' Night Out Murder.  Was it worth it? Yes! We always try to get our picture with the Moose antler guy, Maddy fills up on countless snacks...and tonight was extra special...Chris Young stopped to sign Maddy's hat!!!                                          

So that's my story and I'm sticking to it! James may tell a different version, but since he doesn't blog (and rarely ever reads anything I write), I figure my version is the CORRECT VERSION!

Thanks everyone for the many well wishes and support I've received as I embark on this endeavor. It's my second book, and I hope to have book 3 out by September/October.

Monday, January 11, 2016

The Buhman Family: Steeped in Tradition, Respect, and Honor

 I attended another funeral today for the Buhman family. The Buhmans had thirteen original long-living brothers and sisters that pretty much all settled down around each other. The Guinness World Record people a few years ago narrowed our family and another family in Italy down as the highest sum in years of siblings living over the age of 80. Our family had over 900 years, I believe it was, of the original brothers and sisters still living.  But like everything in life, death is inevitable. The last couple years has brought funerals for many of these original thirteen brothers and sisters. 

 These brothers and sisters were a close-knit Catholic family. They brought their numerous children up devout and steeped in tradition. As I sat in the church today, I was overcome by the powerful statement made when there are so many priests attending a funeral that they can't all fit on the altar. When over three-fourths of the church is roped off just for family members...you know parents have done something right.

Yet the amazing thing about this large family is that the original thirteen brothers and sisters instilled in their children a God-given love for one another. In no other family have I ever witnessed sisters, brothers, cousins love one another so effortlessly. I have NEVER witnessed an adult brother or sister argue or talk badly about one another...Ever! And in a huge, huge family, that's virtually unheard of. I watched my aunts (the second generation cousins) today make sure friends were seated upstairs in the balcony, I watched them unrope the sections so the immediate family members could start walking down the aisle with the casket, and I watched them make sure their grieving cousins were taken care of.  I watched a loving family hold one another up in love.

 Most of the first and second generation family members stayed right here in this general area, while some of the third and fourth generations are moving around. My dad is the only roamer out of seven kids in his family. All of his brothers and sisters live within an hour or two of each other. However, he will come back for every funeral usually. A few months ago when another family member had passed, he was unable to fly back and attend. Being a third generation Buhman, we are still young enough we usually stand in the back or sit in the balcony so the older family members can sit (yes, the funerals are all pretty much held in the same church). I had waved to my aunts and uncles when I walked in the church and one of them leaned over and said, "Since your dad can't be here, you need to represent for him." The emotion I felt when she said that was indescribable. Just like that...I was to stand in the gap. And that's really how this large family is. They know how to stand in the gap for one another.
One of the third generation cousins voiced her fear to me today...she said she's afraid of what will happen to the family now that seven of the original brothers and sisters have passed away. I told her to take a look around. I could point to nearly every second generation cousin and tell you which branch of the family they belonged to. Many of them had already lost their parents, and yet no one was forcing them to be here...they were here out of love, honor, respect, and tradition. I think that says a lot. 

Now, you may be thinking that I'm too biased to be objective about what I see in this tight-knit loving family. But I'm not...because you see there is something different about me. My sister and I were adopted. When I was nine, Bob gave us his name when he married my mother. And while I use his name and attend Buhman events, there is one glaring fact that can't be overlooked: I do not look like any of them. LOL...and for those of you who know the Buhmans, you know what I'm saying. Every single one of them looks alike. I can tell Uncle Ermit's kids immediately. I can tell Uncle Harold's kids immediately. I can pretty much tell all the branches immediately. They all--whether male or female--have the same prominent nose and a full head of white hair. Doesn't matter if they are twenty-four or one hundred and four (or one hundred and five in Uncle Johnnie's case)...they all look alike.

 I was standing next to my cousin, Laura, in line today and all the first and second generation family was coming over and hugging her and calling her by name. When they got to me they do what they usually do...scrunch their brow.  I can see the wheels turning...they can't immediately place me. Of course not...I look nothing like them...lol...and that throws them for a loop! There's no cheat-sheet with me. But I always say the same thing. I say, "I'm Bob's oldest girl." I don't even really have a name, I'm just Bob's oldest. "Oh, yes, oh, yes...Bob's oldest girl! Of Course!"

After about the fourth time of doing that today, I leaned over to my cousin Matt and said, "I always feel so out of place. I don't look like anyone here." He said, "Jenna, I've never thought that about you. You do fit in here." And while it was a blessed and beautiful thing he said, I couldn't help but laugh a little. Because with his prominent nose and course black hair starting to turn white, he looks so much like his dad and grandpa, I can't hardly recognize him as an individual...he's just developing into an older generation Buhman.

I'm very proud to have been raised in a family that believes in the sanctity of family and tradition. For what the thirteen original brothers and sisters did was make sure that after they left this Earth, the children and grandchildren they left behind would still want to spend their days together. And in this day and age that says a lot. A more beautiful legacy I can't imagine.     

Thursday, December 31, 2015

My Sister Made Me Laugh Today...

My sister called this morning to say she received a paperback version of Picture Perfect Murder. This was the first time she'd held the actual book in her hand and could see how the cover turned out. We'd been shot down multiple times from the publishing place because of size.

We discussed the Pros and Cons of the book cover...what we want to keep and what we want to change for the second book. Juliana suddenly laughed and said, "Thirty books from now we will look back at this book cover and laugh and laugh!" And while I laughed with her, I quickly assured her that I LOVED this book cover...if nothing more than for the fact it was our first! Everyone always remembers their first.

And then I got excited at the thought of THIRTY MORE BOOKS! LOL...her belief that we will still be together writing, editing, and designing books years from now makes my heart happy! I'm very thankful for the time in which I live where I can make my mark in the literary world...and not wait silently for "someone else's"  approval of what I have written.

I always wonder about Mary Rockwell. She was the wife of Norman Rockwell, and had three talented sons, an artist, a writer, and a sculptor. It was years ago (won't say how many) while reading the back cover of Thomas Rockwell's book, How to Eat Fried Worms, that I first became introduced to his mother, Mary. He wrote a simple line that said, "His mother, Mary, an unpublished author." And in ALL seriousness, those simple words have always haunted me. I can't help but wonder why she was unpublished (after all, she'd have a foot in the door with her husband), and why Thomas chose to write those words in his book cover. I'd like to think it was because he was proud of her, and even though "someone" never gave her the accolades she desired, she still wrote.

So going into the New Year of 2016...I am thankful I live in a time that doesn't look at my sex as "inferior" when it comes to writing, like the generations of women before me had to endure. And I'm thankful I live in a time where I don't have to wait for someone I've never met to tell me that they "like" what I have written. Or worse, to be like Ralphie from A Christmas Story, and wait with bated breath, running to the mailbox each day to see if something has come--usually a rejection letter.

There is nothing better than seeing your book next to other people's books. Sometimes I scroll through Amazon in my genre just so I can see my book with the countless other books on the page (hey, it's my first book, give me a break!), and it makes my pulse race. I don't think there's anything wrong with the cover...I think it's beautiful. I think it's beautiful because I got to embark on this journey with my sister.   
